Low-cost and Sustainable Aqueous Lithium-ion Batteries by All-Organic PTCDI Anodes
John Brown a b c, Martin Karlsmo b, Patrik Johansson b d, Alexis Grimaud a c e
a College de France, Place Marcelin Berthelot, 1175231 Paris Cedex 05, Paris, France
b Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, Department of Physics, Gothenburg, Sweden
c Réseau sur le Stockage Electrochimique de l'Energie (RS2E), HUB de l'Energie, FR CNRS 3459, 80039 Amiens, France
d Alistore-European Research Institute, Amiens, France
e Boston College, Department of Chemistry, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, 2467, United States
Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS)
Proceedings of MATSUS23 & Sustainable Technology Forum València (STECH23) (MATSUS23)
#SusBat - Enabling Beyond Classical Li-ion Batteries through materials development and sustainability
VALÈNCIA, Spain, 2023 March 6th - 10th
Organizers: Maria Lukatskaya and Nagore Ortiz Vitoriano
Poster, John Brown, 247
Publication date: 22nd December 2022

Electrolyte engineering has been key to the advancement of aqueous lithium-ion batteries (ALIBs), for example, the introduction of water-in-salt/water-in-bisalt electrolytes (WiSEs/WiBEs) has made it possible to operate ALIBs at potentials far beyond the electrochemical stability window (ESW) of water[1,2]. WiSEs/WiBEs are, however, intrinsically based on high concentrations of salt(s) which often is expensive and fluorinated, and therefore defeats the aim of ALIBs being low-cost and sustainable. A strategy to circumvent this issue has been to add co-solvents and/or diluents to effectively decrease the overall salt concentration[3]. The clean and green ethos of ALIBs can be enhanced by using organic active materials (AMs) in the electrodes, resulting in a combination void of both flammable organic solvents and expensive transition metals. Yet, such AMs are often water soluble and therefore requires an electrolyte designed to mitigate dissolution to maximize the performance[4].

Herein, we for the first time implement the organic pigment perylene-3,4,9,10-tetra-carboxylic-di-imide (PTCDI) as an AM for ALIBs. We demonstrate that by using co-solvents such as urea we can mitigate its dissolution, leading to excellent LIB properties in terms of capacity, rate capability and cycling stability. Furthermore, urea reduces the high salt concentration typically needed for WiSEs, altogether creating a greener high-performant electrolyte that when/if used in tandem with organic AMs can pave the way for a truly sustainable next generation battery technology.  


J.B. as a part of the DESTINY PhD programme acknowledges funding from the European Union's Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND - Grant Agreement No: 945357. M.K. and P.J. would like to express their appreciation towards the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS) for enabling and supporting this work.

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