Proceedings of MATSUS23 & Sustainable Technology Forum València (STECH23) (MATSUS23)
Publication date: 22nd December 2022
Halide perovskite materials find applications in solar cells, light emitting diodes or memory storage devices. This family of materials are mixed electronic and ionic conductors and the ionic conductivity is responsible for the hysteresis observed in the electrical characterization.1 Here we explain how this ion migration can be used to our advantage to promote formation of conductive and insulating states making them useful as resistive memories (memristors). We show that the working mechanism and performance of the memory devices can be tuned and improved by a careful selection of each structural layer. Several configurations are evaluated in which structural layers are modified systematically: formulation of the perovskite2, the nature of the buffer layer3 and the nature of the metal contact4. In addition, we develop an electrical model to account for the observed j-V response.5 Overall, we provide solid understanding on the operational mechanism of halide perovskite memristors that unveils the connection between electronic and ionic conduction.
We thank the financial support from the Generalitat Valenciana for the Grisolia Grant (GRISOLIAP/2019/048) and from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (MICINN) (PID2019-107348GB-100).