Proceedings of MATSUS23 & Sustainable Technology Forum València (STECH23) (MATSUS23)
Publication date: 22nd December 2022
Halide perovskites are exciting materials ushering in a new wave of photovoltaic and light-emitting technologies, with efficiencies already comparable to or beating more traditional semiconducting systems. However, a full understanding of carrier recombination and how it relates to performance losses and device operation in various device structures remains elusive. Here I will present results where we exploit luminescence from these materials to understand carrier recombination. I will give examples of different dimentionality systems and where carrier/exciton funnelling is critical for device operation. The luminescence approaches also allow tracking of device operation over time, and a decoupling of the impact of the active layer and contacts in understanding performance losses. These results allow us to draw generalised conclusions about carrier recombination and device performance and instability pathways driven by carrier trapping. Finally, I will show how we are exploiting this understanding to develop new solar cell and lighting devices, further pushing performances up.