Proceedings of Online Meetup - Beyond Lead Halide Perovskites: Syntheses and Applications of Metal Halide Semiconductors (MABP)
Publication date: 23rd April 2020
Pretreatment using metal chlorides during the formation of halide deficient free perovskite nanocrystals is reported. Among several metal chlorides, Cu(II)Cl2 was observed to be ideal for the synthesis of highly emitting CsPbCl3 nanocrystals at high reaction temperature. Because high temperature remained more favorable for the dopant insertion, doping of Mn(II) was carried out under this halide-rich system, and nearly 68% photoluminescence quantum yield was recorded. Analysis could not provide strong evidence of insertion of Cu(II) inside the nanocrystals; rather, it was established that Cu(II)Cl2 in the system helped to stabilize the reaction even at and above 260 °C and provided an adequate chloride source for obtaining the highly emitting host as well as doped nanocrystals.
Prof. Narayan Pradhan
Dr. Iván Mora-Seró
Lab-mates of IACS, India
Lab-mates of INAM, UJI, Spain
IACS, India
INAM, UJI, Spain