Proceedings of Online Meetup - Beyond Lead Halide Perovskites: Syntheses and Applications of Metal Halide Semiconductors (MABP)
Publication date: 23rd April 2020
Cesium-based perovskites have shown to be promising materials for solar cell applications, with power conversion efficiency exceeding 18% for the mixed halide compositions.1 In general, the black perovskite phase is not stable at room temperature and hence very high temperature annealing are used to stabilize the material.2 The substitution of iodide by bromide within the perovskite structure has proven to decrease the temperature needed to form and stabilize this phase.3 However, metal bromides are poorly soluble in the solvents commonly used to process perovskite films. In this work, different approaches to deposit CsPbBrI2 films by sublimation methods are presented, with an emphasis on the material growth at room temperature as a function of deposition rate and type/number of precursors. We obtain smooth and pinhole-free films at room temperature, with high control over the thickness of the layers. Solar cells are prepared employing only sublimation methods (for both the perovskite and the selective contacts) and their photovoltaic performance is studied as a function of the synthetic approach.