Proceedings of Online Meetup - Beyond Lead Halide Perovskites: Syntheses and Applications of Metal Halide Semiconductors (MABP)
Publication date: 23rd April 2020
Lead halide based perovskites have emerged as promising active materials for photovoltaic cells, reaching efficiencies as high as 25.2%. However, they present stability problems in environmental conditions, and also, Pb2+ is a toxic cation not compatible with green technologies. Heterovalent doping with bismuth (Bi3+) to partially replace Pb2+ has been tested with no success for photovoltaic applications, but it would allow other properties.[1] Here it’s shown how Bi3+ can partially substitute Pb2+ homogenously in the commonly studied MAPbI3. Irradiation of bi-doped MAPbI3 samples induces progressive segregation of Bi3+ out of the perovskite lattice,[2] via formation of BIOI, probably at the surface of the crystals, hampering the usual decomposition pathways into PbI2 and PbOx for undoped MAPbI3. This results in thin films with higher environmental stability and a huge photostability under laser irradiation, that allows to envision novel applications. Also, non-linear optical properties have been measured with very promising results, showing higher non-linear refractive (n2) and absorptive coefficients (β) compared to that of undoped MAPbI3.[3] These results provide a new path for obtaining highly stable materials which would allow an additional boost of hybrid perovskite-based optoelectronics.
[Funding by Projects RTI2018-096918-B-C41, AYUDA PUENTE 2019 URJC and ENE2017-90565-REDT National Excellence Network. Young Researchers R&D Project PAS2D (ref. F660). T. S. R. and C. R.-O. acknowledge the CM and European Social Fund by the Talento fellowship 2017-T2/IND-5586 and by PEJD-2018-PRE/IND-8839 Youth Employment Initiative (YEI).