Proceedings of Online Meetup - Beyond Lead Halide Perovskites: Syntheses and Applications of Metal Halide Semiconductors (MABP)
Publication date: 23rd April 2020
The growth of lead halide perovskites within metal-oxide nanoporous films has been recently considered as a means to obtain chemically and photostable ligand-free highquality nanocrystals (NCs) [1],[2]. The growth process, governed by the reactions taking place in nanoreactors dictated by the matrix pore size, has not been explored so far. In this work, we use photoluminescence as a tool to monitor the growth of perovskite NCs within the void network of an optically transparent matrix [3]. We consider the effect of different external factors, such as temperature, light illumination, or precursor concentration, on the growth dynamics, and discuss a possible formation mechanism of the confined perovskite NCs. Based on this analysis, guidelines that could serve to improve the fabrication and optoelectronic quality of this type of NCs are also proposed.