Proceedings of International Conference on Perovskite and Organic Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics (IPEROP19)
Publication date: 23rd October 2018
Single junction silicon PV technology has reached the extremely impressive feat of 26.7% power conversion efficiency but is forever shackled by the thermodynamic limits of Schockley and Queisser to efficiencies below 30%. Multijunction technology is the roadmap for mass deployment of photovoltaic technology beyond 30% - raising the fundamental limit to 45% for silicon tandem and 49% for triple junction. In a few short years the perovskite technology has reached 23.3% in single junction and in tandem with silicon achieved 27.3% - exceeding for the first time the very best silicon single junction. Theoretical combination of existing best-in-class single junctions predict obtainable tandem and triple junction efficiencies of 34% and 39% respectively. So what is between us and the 34% efficient perovskite-silicon tandem? We discuss the specific challenges to overcome and our progress on the tandem roadmap beyond 30%, addressing fundamental loss mechanisms in the perovskite absorber and its contact heterojunctions as well as aspects of optical design and deployment in mono or bifacial format. We will address how these solutions can be delivered at the full wafer-scale in a production environment at rates of tens of thousands of wafers/hr.