Proceedings of International Conference on Perovskite and Organic Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics (IPEROP19)
Publication date: 23rd October 2018
Back-contact concepts are well established in the field of silicon solar cells, where their implementation has resulted in significant efficiency gains, compared to conventional contacting architectures. The main advantage of back-contact concepts is that optical transmission losses can be avoided, arising from the top charge collection electrode. Charge collection in these devices is typically facilitated by a set of two interdigitated finger electrode arrays, co-located on the backside of the silicon wafer. Here we discuss the applicability of back-contact charge collection concepts to thin-film perovskite solar cells. We introduce two novel back-contact architectures, namely the quasi-interdigitated and honeycomb back-contact designs. Charge diffusion lengths in single-crystalline silicon are in the order of millimeters while for perovskite solar cells they are in the micron range. This requires the fabrication of back-contact electrode arrays with micron or ideally sub-micron dimensions to achieve efficient charge collection. In the second part of this presentation we will analyse how dipole-fields generated by self-assembled molecular monolayers can be used in solar cells to generate built-in fields and facilitate charge extraction.