Publication date: 8th January 2019
In the last decade, the perovskite solar cells (PSC) have showed notable power conversion efficiencies of up to 23%. Most of these PSC are fabricated on rigid glass implementing high-temperature electron transport layers (ETL); however, recently new low-temperature ETLs including SnO2 have been developed reaching very high efficiencies up to 20%[1]. This approach made PSCs compatible with flexible substrates which, in turn, allow the roll-to-roll fabrication[2]. Here, we present the first time SnO2/mesoporous-TiO2 electron transport layer on a flexible perovskite solar cell (FPSC)[3]. When measured under STC and over an area of 0.1 cm2, the SnO2/mesoporous-TiO2 FPSC delivered a maximum PCE of 14.8% which was ~ 30% higher than FPSC incorporating only SnO2. The indoor performance of FPSCs represented the highest power densities of for any existing flexible PV technology, i.e. 9.77 μW/cm2 (estimated PCE of 12.8%) at 200 lx and 19.2 μW/cm2 (estimated PCE of 13.3%) at 400 lx under LED light illumination. We explored the role of the low-T UV-irradiated mesoporous-TiO2 scaffold which greatly which improved the wettability interface of perovskite solution in the PET/ITO substrate, leading to an enhancement of perovskite growth and inducing high rectification ratios with low series- and high shunt-resistance as well as providing better stability with respect to cells without scaffold. Furthermore, we up‐scaled the technology to fabricate low‐temperature solution‐ processed large area flexible perovskite modules achieving a PCE of 8.8% on an active area of 12 cm2[3].
Also, we developed the first ever perovskite PV cell fabricated direct on an opaque paper substrate [4] obtaining the highest efficiency (PCE = 2.7%) for a PV cell on and opaque paper. Due to the non-conductive surface of paper, gold (Au) was deposited on it followed by an ETL either of SnO2 or SnO2/TiO2. The hydrophobicity of Au led an irregular growth of SnO2 which constrained the formation of a perovskite film and limited the PCE of paper-based PSC (PPSC); therefore, a low-T mesoporous TiO2 layer was deposited on the Au/SnO2 electrode to reduce the shun paths and improve the performance of PPSC.
We thank Francesco Di Giacomo, Dr. Francesca Brunetti, and Prof. Andrea Reale for useful discussions. We thank the Departamento del Huila’s Scholarship Program No. 677 from Huila, Colombia, MIUR for PRIN 2012 (2012A4Z2RY) ‘‘AQUASOL’’ (Celle solari polimeriche processabili da mezzi acquosi: dai materiali ai moduli fotovoltaici), for PERSEO‐ “PERrovskite‐based Solar cells: towards high Efficiency and lOng‐term stability” (Bando PRIN 2015‐Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MIUR) Decreto Direttoriale 4 novembre 2015 n. 2488, project number 20155LECAJ), and the EU CHEETAH project for funding.