Publication date: 8th January 2019
Low-dimensional 2D/3D perovskites are emerging as a potential alternative to conventional 3D perovskite because of their improved stability to moisture, which is directly linked to the hydrophobic nature of the bulky cation that is needed to generate the layered structure. Nevertheless, now it is known that the performance of the 2D/3D PVK material is severely limited by the reduction of the charge transport properties, which is owing to quantum and dielectric confinement effects. These both effects, has been related to the aliphatic nature of the bulky cations used in the fabrication of those materials. Accordingly, it is necessary the synthesis and characterization of materials with an adequate management of the dielectric contrast between the layers. We focused in the optical and morphological characterization of a new type of material, with the principal hypothesis of reduce the stronger effects, as high exciton binding energy, through the modulation of dielectric contrast by the introduction of a bulky cation with free and polarizable π-electrons. The fabrication of Any2MA4Pb5I16 2D/3D perovskite based solar cells, through hot-casting method, demonstrated the positive´s effect of the temperature in the materials properties with a direct correlation between temperature with the crystal sizes and PCE. Our champion device, fabricated at T=190 °C, shows a PCE of 7.63% with a Jsc=13.79 mAcm-2. Additionally, stability studies show that 2D/3D anilinium perovskite-based films exhibit a moderately higher resistance to environmental conditions compared to 3D perovskites based solar cells.