Proceedings of International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV24)
Publication date: 6th February 2024
Lead halide perovskites are highly promising materials for a wide range of optoelectronic applications, such as photovoltaics and LEDs. One major challenge for these applications is the efficient conduction of mobile ions in these materials, which causes unwanted hysteresis when a bias voltage is applied. However, this property of halide perovskite materials makes them highly interesting for applications in neuromorphic computing, where large resistance changes of a device upon applying a bias voltage are desirable. Specifically, the efficient conduction of ions can be utilized for bringing about non-volatile resistance changes to change synaptic weights or volatile resistance changes to mimic the firing of a neuron, all while expending only little energy. Here, we present our recent work on applying halide perovskites in devices for neuromorphic computing. We focus on addressing the challenge of downscaling of halide perovskite devices due to the high solubility of halide perovskites in polar solvents that are commonly used in lithography. We demonstrate resistance changes with energy consumptions in the sub-picojoule range, close to that of analogous biological processes, and discuss how the devices could be implemented in neuromorphic chips. These chips could potentially emulate the analog and parallel way that information is processed in the brain to achieve orders of magnitude lower energy consumption computation compared to digital computers.