Proceedings of International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV24)
Publication date: 6th February 2024
Singlet fission offers a way to overcome the detailed balance limit in silicon photovoltaics by addressing thermalisation losses.[1] This process, which occurs in adjacent chromophores, describes the splitting of the initial singlet excited state into two low-energy triplet excitons via a triplet pair intermediate 1(TT). If the triplet state energy is greater than the 1.1 eV bandgap of silicon, the triplet excitons in the organic semiconductor can transfer to silicon. Such a device could realise efficiencies of 45%.[2]
Tetracene was recently shown to undergo triplet transfer to silicon.[3] This demonstration was a major step towards the realisation of a working singlet fission device. However, tetracene is not an ideal chromophore as the singlet fission yield is not unity (c.a. 120% out of 200%) and the triplet energy (1.1 eV) is on the silicon band edge. The field therefore requires new chromophores that have yields closer to unity and greater triplet energies.
To design new chromophores a clear understanding of the role of the excimer and the triplet-pair state in singlet fission is required. This presentation will discuss our recent results in resolving the emissive intermediate state in singlet fission.[4] I will present transient photoluminescence and spectrally resolved magneto-photoluminescence data which identifies an emissive species that is distinct from the excimer state. Our results confirm that the excimer acts as a trap and unites the view that the 1(TT) state is an emissive intermediate in singlet fission.
This work was supported by the Australian Research Council (Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science CE170100026).