Proceedings of International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV23)
Publication date: 30th March 2023
Suppression of bi-molecular recombination in organic solar cells is highly correlated with increases in fill-factor and high short-circuit currents. The origins of this non-Langevin recombination are debated and mechanisms related to charge-transfer (CT) state and free-carrier encounter dynamics have been proposed. [1] Further, it is expected that acceptor exciton dynamics play an important role in mediating the CT-state dynamics. [2,3]
In this presentation the dynamics of exciton diffusion, transfer, and dissociation will be explored. Specifically, the methodology known as pulsed-PLQY will be introduced and used to measure diffusion lengths in neat acceptor materials and acceptor domain sizes in bulk-heterojunction films.[4] It will be shown that state-of-the art non-fullerene acceptors (NFA) show enhanced diffusion lengths and domain sizes compared to fullerene predecessors. However, this is not enough to explain the highly suppressed recombination observed in NFA-blends. The ratio of diffusion length to domain size, known as the characteristic length ratio, is shown to correlate with the suppression of bi-molecular recombination, suggesting that the processes engendering non-Langevin recombination are enabled by efficient exciton dynamics.
This work was supported by the Welsh Government’s Sêr Cymru II Program through the European Regional Development Fund, Welsh European Funding Office, and the Swansea University strategic initiative in Sustainable Advanced Materials. A.A. is a Sêr Cymru II Rising Star Fellow, and P.M. is a Sêr Cymru II National Research Chair. This work was also funded by UKRI through the EPSRC Program Grant EP/T028511/1 Application Targeted Integrated Photovoltaics. D.B.R. acknowledges the support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), [PGSD3-545694-2020]