Proceedings of International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV23)
Publication date: 30th March 2023
The time-delayed collection field technique (TDCF) is widely used to characterise charge carrier recombination and mobility in organic solar cells.
By using drift diffusion simulations in the time domain we investigate the influence of trap states on charge carrier mobility and recombination rate determination. Reconstructing the TDCF-experiment with additional insight into the physical processes at each time step allow us to better understand the causes for distinct features in TDCF transients.
We find that deep trap states can highly impact the extraction time of carriers and therefore result in an error in mobility. On the other hand the relaxation of charge carriers into deep trap states can cause high initial recombination rates, that are often attributed to surface recombination.
Therefore we advise caution when interpreting TDCF-experiments. A quick initial test is proposed to determine weather deep trap states could impact the results of TDCF experiments on a given device.
This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [grant number EP/S023836/1]