Proceedings of International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV22)
Publication date: 20th April 2022
Recently, organometallic hybrid perovskite materials are experiencing a real progress for solar cell applications. Due to their: high crystallinity, high charge transport capacity and high thin film efficiency. Among alternative device structures, carbon-based perovskite solar cells look highly promising due to their abundantly available materials (TiO2, ZrO2, carbon black and graphite powders), and the inherent high stability. A one step (CH3NH3)x(AVA)1-xPbI3 perovskite solution (with AVA= ammonium valeric acid additive) was pipetted to infiltrate mp-TiO2/mp-ZrO2 through a thick porous carbon layer [1][2]. In order to reveal their maximum photovoltaic performance, these devices should be first matured under humidity and temperature. This step improves the cell’s performance. To further investigate their stability, aging campaigns at 85°C/85%RH have been conducted during 1000 h. The macroscopic observations show an inhomogeneous degradation and this inhomogeneity probably results from the pipetting process used to infiltrate the perovskite. This was confirmed by the variation of PV parameters during aging (Fig. 1), which showed an important decrease in performance close to 50% after 1000 h of aging. In this study, a basic encapsulated system based on glass and a surlyn gasket was used, enabling the humidity permeation up to solar cells. Thanks to dedicated characterization techniques, such as laser beam induced current (LBIC) measurements and photoluminescence imaging, the local performances have been correlated to the degradation inhomogeneity. The modifications of the perovskite layer have been evaluated with: X-Ray diffraction, UV-visible absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Today, others technological solutions are tested such as the inkjet printing for the perovskite infiltration and more advanced encapsulation systems, to improve the stability of these PV devices.