Proceedings of International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV22)
Publication date: 20th April 2022
Decarbonising energy production is essential to address climate change, and it must be delivered at significant scale. Solar energy is a key part of the patchwork of renewable energy technologies that will deliver this new zero carbon global future. Combining the decarbonisation of energy production with photovoltaic deployment at a global scale raises issues at every stage of the solar cell life cycle.
This paper will consider the life cycle of perovskite and dye-sensitized solar cells from the design of light harvesters and charge extractors to device processing through to recycling issues. This paper will also describe how the advantages of computer modelling (precision at atomic length scales) can be combined with experiment (precision at bulk scale) to deliver new perspectives on the surface engineering of devices and device interfaces [1, 2]. In this context, we will report recent work on new dyes, how dye synthesis can be used to study dye-oxide orientation and demonstrate why this is key to future dye design. We will also report recent studies of in situ metrology using multi-spectral approaches (spectro-electrochemistry, as well as visible, ultra-fast and thermal imaging). These techniques have been to study key processing steps such as metal oxide sintering and spin coating and, in parallel, with computer modelling to iteratively study dye sensitization [3-5].
We gratefully acknowledge funding from the EU SPARC-II (CK), EPSRC EP/P030068/1 (DMR, PJH), EP/P03165X/1 (DG, KS, Y-WH), EP/M015254/2 (EWJ), and the support of the Mass Spectrometry Facility at Swansea University.