Proceedings of 13th Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV21)
Publication date: 11th May 2021
Mixed lead–tin (Pb-Sn) perovskites have emerged as promising low band gap absorber materials with recent efficiencies exceeding 20% for single junctions[1], [2] and 24.8% for all-perovskite tandem solar cells[3]. While these results reflect the great potential of this class of absorber materials, mixed Pb-Sn perovskites are inherently less stable than their neat Pb counterparts. Therefore, the development of practical perovskite multi-junctions requires first understanding the degradation mechanisms inherent to these materials so that routes can be designed to address them. Previous studies have shown that their main instability is chemical in nature and stems from the tendency of Sn2+ to oxidise, which leads to the formation of Sn vacancies in the lattice, subsequent p-doping, and reduced optoelectronic quality.[4]–[7] Moreover, it has been reported that exposure to oxygen results in the facile oxidation of Sn and formation of SnO2[8], [9] and that the presence of Pb in neighbouring lattice sites can influence how degradation proceeds.[10] A variety of different perovskite compositions that blend different ionic species at various lattice sites can achieve high power conversion efficiencies with nominally the same band gap value. While the detrimental effects of Sn oxidation are already known and some general strategies have been proposed to mitigate it, less effort has been applied to understanding how composition impacts material degradation.
Herein, a side-by-side degradation assessment of several different low band gap compositions is presented. The evolution of structural and optoelectronic properties under either thermal or humidity stressing over time is monitored in order to identify compositional trends. Our results highlight how ion choice can impact the speed of degradation and alter the degradation footprint by triggering different degradation modes, which we expect will inform future material selection for reliable multi-junction development.
C.K. would like to acknowledge funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Program for funding Research and Innovation under Grant Agreement no. 764787 (MAESTRO)