Scalable Precursor Solution for Stable Perovskite Solar Cells: From Solutions to High-quality Films
a Centro de Investigación, Innovación y Desarrollo de Materiales – CIDEMAT, Universidad de Antioquia UdeA, Calle 70, 52-21, Medellín, Colombia
Hybrid halide perovskites processed from methylamine and acetonitrile solvents have attracted great attention due to their capacity to achieve uniform and crystalline films leading to highly efficient devices in a single-step deposition method [1]. Its inherent fast film crystallization facilitates its application to continuous printing methods compatible with roll-to-roll processing [2]. Moreover, this precursor have also demonstrated a remarkable stability, achieving over 2000 h of operation under real outdoor exposure conditions in 17cm2 modules [3]. Despite this excellent properties, this method uses MAPbI3 perovskite, which suffers a premature degradation associated to heat and moisture, hindering their long-term stability.
On the look for other compositions, it has been proved that methylamine gas forms a liquid state phase in other perovskite structures like FAPbI3 [4] , CsPbI3 [5] , BA2PbI3 [6], among others. A swelling in the structure is observed. Such fact is attributed to the slicing of 3D structure on low dimensional layers[7]. However, it remains still unclear what happens on mixed compositions. In addition, no attention has been paid in the acetonitrile role in the solution, and their implementation has been limited to empirically approach. This lack of understanding limits its application to more complex compositions potentially leading to higher device stability and efficiency.
In this work, we explore two techniques to methylamine gas incorporation on mixed cation compositions. i) MA gas “healing” proposed by Zhao [8] and ii) Powder derived method that use MA/ACN as solvent proposed by Wu [7]. Using XRD and UV-vis measurements we found that MA gas exposure induce non-active intermediary phases on mixed cation perovskites films. On the other hand, the powder derived method allows the formation of active alpha-phase, indicating that the solvent plays a fundamental role on the phase stabilization. In conclusion, we obtain an antisolvent-free route to fabricate active alpha-phase on mixed cation compositions, providing a roadmap to achieve scalable precursors for high stable and efficient perovskite solar cells.