Proceedings of International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV19)
Publication date: 6th February 2020
Perovskite solar cell (PSC) technology has significant potential to revolutionise the photovoltaics (PV) industry due to high efficiencies and the potential for short energy payback periods in comparison to other established PV technologies making them truly competitive. Recently, solution processed PSCs have reached cell efficiency values rivalling those of established thin-film photovoltaic (PV) technology (CIGS, CdTe), even approaching crystalline Si (c-Si) records. The challenge is now to transfer this unprecedented progress from its cell level into a scalable, stable, low-cost technology on module level.
It will be key to bring forward technological solutions that combine high-throughput, low-cost manufacture of efficient and long-lasting PSC PV modules that can also have seamless integration in application areas that require customised end-products. This new approach is different to c-Si products produced as low-cost commodity products, in that customized products can create a high added value that allows for local production close to the end-user.
Therefore, at first substantial progress is targeted on cell efficiency, stability, and module process upscaling which enables to consolidate these results into glass-based modules at technology readiness level (TRL) 5. Demonstration of such modules in a high value application like building integrated PV (BIPV) facade element, supported with outdoor test results, opens then the door for technology validation at TRL6, for a fully integrated product.
Additionally other routes more towards customization and facilitation of integration are to be opened up. Novel processes will be initiated to allow transfer of the PSC technology from the glass-based platform to various flexible, plastic substrates. Additionally, novel interconnection schemes will be investigated to allow for easy variation in sizes and shapes of PSC modules. Options to realize semi-transparent device designs will be explored, for use as see-through PV modules for e.g. window integration or for tandem applications by stacking on top of existing (e.g. c-Si) PV technologies to boost the overall power conversion. Full technology validation of these novel routes in more specified applications is to be expected to occur in the coming years.