Proceedings of International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV18)
Publication date: 21st February 2018
In this report, three dopant-free hole-transporting materials are investigated on the non-toxic bismuth halide system of CsBi3I10. These hole-transporting materials are TQ1,P3HT and P3TI, respectively. The results of charge generation and charge recombination of the solar cells with different polymers show that the polymer strongly affects the device’s photovoltaic properties. It is interesting to notice that a higher photon to current conversion from TQ1, especially an obvious improvement in the red wavelength region of the spectrum, suggesting that the polymer can contribute to the photocurrent generation. Based on the results of TQ1, we used the TBP recrystallization method to get a further optimization of the solar cell's efficiency. As a result, a 0.77% efficiency was achieved in this work. This report shows a new direction to optimize the bismuth-halide solar cells by using different hole conductors and the importance to match the energy levels of bismuth-halide materials and the hole-transporting materials.