Proceedings of International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV16)
Publication date: 28th March 2016
A high degree of control over the perovskite morphology and a proper interlayer engineering are needed to achieve high efficiencies, which have now exceeded 20%.1 The intrinsic advantages of vacuum deposited layers over solution-based include high purity, fine control over the stoichiometry, film thickness and morphology of the layers.2,3
In this perspective, we analyzed the role of different HTMs and ETMs in metal oxide-free p-i-n and metal oxide-based n-i-p hybrid perovskite cells with efficiencies exceeding 15 %, prepared using vacuum deposited perovskite layers. We will results about the influence of the PEDOT:PSS layer as well as commercially available fullerene-derivative in the photovoltaic performance.4
1. D. Bi, W. Tress, M. I. Dar, P. Gao, J. Luo, C. Renevier, K. Schenk, A. Abate, F. Giordano, J-P. Correa Baena, J-D. Decoppet, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Grätzel, A. Hagfeldt. Science Advances 2016, 2, e1501170.
2. M. Liu, M. B. Johnston, H. J. Snaith. Nature 2013, 501, 395.
3. O. Malinkiewicz, A. Yella, Y.H. Lee, G.M. Espallargas, M. Graetzel, M.K.Nazeeruddin, H.J. Bolink, Nature Photonics 2014, 8, 128.
4. L. Gil-Escrig, C. Momblona, M. Sessolo, H. J. Bolink. Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability 2016, accepted.