An advanced electro-optical mapping analysis of Dye and Perovskite Solar Cells
Fabio Matteocci a, Andrea Reale a, Aldo Di Carlo a, Babak Taheri a, Lucio Cina' a b
a CHOSE - Centre for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy, University of Rome ‘‘Tor Vergata’’, Via del Politecnico, 1, Roma, Italy
b DYERS srl, via giacomo peroni 400, roma, 00131, Italy
c Dep. El. Engineering. Univ. Rome Tor Vergata, Via Politecnico, 1, Rome, 00133, Italy
International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics
Proceedings of International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics 2015 (HOPV15)
Roma, Italy, 2015 May 11th - 13th
Organizer: Filippo De Angelis
Poster, Lucio Cina', 278
Publication date: 5th February 2015
We introduce an advanced electro-optical mapping technique that provides spatial distribution of Absorbance, External Quantum Efficiency (EQE or IPCE) and Electro/Photo-Luminescence (EL-PL) in a spectrally resolved manner. The advantages of the combined approach over previous spectroscopic and scanned probe studies are: (i) direct spatial correlation between optical (Absorbance-PL) and electro-optical (IPCE-EL) informations, (ii) ability to extract wide spectra (350-1100 nm) with 2 nm of resolution, (iii) differential IPCE with localized white bias light (tunable up to 1.5 SUN), (iv) sub-Hz to KHz optical chopping frequency. These combined analysis were applied to Dye and Perovskite solar cells with two different goals. Spatial maps of IPCE and Absorbance spectra were analyzed on a Z907 based DSC in order to extract the distribution of electron diffusion length (L) without any destructive operations. L is obtained by fitting the IPCE measured from front and back side illumination (IPCE-ratio techinique). This is the first L-mapping based on an improved IPCE-R technique. We performed a sensitivity analysis in order to identify most delicate parameters involved into the IPCE and Absorbance models. The average value of L(x,y) is in agreement with both integral IPCE-R and impedance spectroscopy analysis. For highly degradated cell, the technique can be used to extract the shape of the absorption coefficient (alfa) of the active film. We applied the mapping system also to large area Perovskite solar cells in order to quantify the quality of the deposition process (1,2) with the spatial distribution of IPCE. Here, a fundamental investigation based on IPCE and EL mapping was performed in order to correlate photogeneration to radiative recombination amplitudes. The increase of radiative recombination share with injected current indicates that non-radiative recombinations dominate at low currents (3). Therefore surface recombination due to non-ideal selective contacts, partial shunts, or trap assisted non-radiative recombinations inside the Perovskite, can be spatially resolved by performing a voltage dependent EL and IPCE mapping. Moreover we show a good correlation between the recombination analysis performed by modeling the dark IV and the EL analysis.
Summary of the results avaible from the system divided in diffusion length (DSC) and recombination (Perovskite) analysis.
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