Raman and photoluminescence investigation of CsSnI3 perovksite phase transitions
Michael Arfanis a, Polycarpos Falaras a, Athanassios Kontos a, Eirini Siranidi a, Maria Antoniadou a, Semina Aggeli b, Pantelis Trikalitis b, Yannis Raptis c
a Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, NCSR Demokritos, Patriarchou Grigoriou & Neapoleos Str., Agia Paraskevi, Athens, 15310, Greece
b Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, Voutes, Heraklio, 71003, Greece
c School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, NTUA, Zografou Campus, Athens, 157 80, Greece
International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics
Proceedings of International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics 2015 (HOPV15)
Roma, Italy, 2015 May 11th - 13th
Organizer: Filippo De Angelis
Oral, Athanassios Kontos, presentation 254
Publication date: 5th February 2015
Perovskite solar cells have recently emerged as a very promising class of solid state photovoltaics attaining extremely high power conversion efficiencies. This was due to the discovery of a new generation of inorganic or/and hybrid perovskite materials that can be used as both absorbers and hole transporting media. A characteristic example is the case of the p-type direct bandgap semiconductor CsSnI3, a perovskite material with ideal energy gap for absorbing solar light and remarkably high hole mobility. Its doping with F ions dramatically improves the photocurrent density and power conversion efficiency of the corresponding solar cells [1]. CsSnI3 belongs to the family of perovskite trihalides RMeX3 (X=halogen, Me=transition metal, and R=alkali metal or organic short chain) that are amenable to solution synthesis and processinh [2]. CsSnI3 perovskites exist in two polymorphs at room temperature: one has a one-dimensional double-chain structure and is yellow in color (Y), and the other has a three-dimensional perovskite structure and is black (B) [3]. Despite its interesting characteristics, our understanding of the origin of structural and optoelectronic properties in CsSnI3 is still limited. Additionally, many previous reports understate its high sensitivity to air, moisture, and organic solvents [4]. In this work we studied the optical properties and phase transitions in F:CsSnI3 perovskites by variable-temperature Raman and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopies under inert atmosphere and in comparison to XRD data. Both yellow (Y) and black (B) F:CsSnI3 perovskites as well as the transformation from the one phase to the other were examined by varying the temperature from -100 to 170 oC. For the black phase several Raman peaks at low frequencies were observed with distinct differences from those of the Y orthorhombic phase. No phase transformation up to 110 oC was evident, where the sample starts becoming very photosensitive. Raman signal was not detected above 170 oC, fact that corroborates with the transition to the cubic (B) phase which is not Raman active. Microluminescence (PL) spectra obtained under the same conditions confirmed the strong dependence of the PL signal on the temperature, showing that the band gap increases upon increasing the temperature. Hysteresis of the photoluminescence emission was found upon thermal cycling between room temperature and 170 oC, which is attributed to the reduction in the population of the excitonic centers.

[1] Chung, I.; Lee, B.; He, J.; Chang, R.P.H.; Kanatzidis, M.G. All-Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with High Efficiency. Nature, 2012, 485, 486-489. [2] Mitzi, D.B.; Synthesis, structure, and properties of organic-inorganic perovskites and related materials., In: Karlin KD, editor. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1999,5-45. [3] Chung, I.; Song, J-H.; Im, J.; Androulakis, J.; Malliakas, C.D.; Li, H.; Freeman, A.J.; Kenney, J.T.; Kanatzidis, M.G. CsSnI3: Semiconductor or metal? High electrical conductivity and strong near-infrared photoluminescence from a single material. High hole mobility and phase-transitions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 8579-8587 [4] Yamada, K.; Funabiki, S.; Horimoto, H.; Matsui, T.; Okuda, T.; Ichiba, S. Structural Phase Transitions of the Polymorphs of CsSnI3 by Means of Rietveld Analysis of the X-Ray Diffraction. Chem. Lett. 1991, 20,801-804.
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