Surface Plasmon Effects in Bilayers of FAPbI3 Perovskite Nanocrystals and Core-Shell Au-SiO2 Nanoparticles
Aliki Souzou a b, Modestos Athanasiou a, Andreas Manoli a, Marios Constantinou b, Maryna I. Bodnarchuk d, Maksym V. Kovalenko c d, Chrysafis Andreou b, Grigorios Itskos a
a Department of Physics, Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory, University of Cyprus, Kallipoleos, 75, Nicosia, Cyprus
b Nanotechnology Imaging and Detection Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus, Nicosia 2112, Cyprus
c Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, ETH Zürich, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland
d Laboratory for Thin Films and Photovoltaics, Empa-Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf 8600, Switzerland
Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Light Emitting Materials (EMLEM23)
Peyia, Cyprus, 2023 November 13th - 15th
Organizers: Grigorios Itskos, Maksym Kovalenko and Maryna Bodnarchuk
Poster, Aliki Souzou, 043
Publication date: 18th August 2023

Formamidinium lead iodide (FAPbI3) exhibits the narrowest bandgap among lead halide perovskites, which combined with its good electronic properties makes it promising for solar light harvesting. A drawback of FAPbI3 is its relatively low absorption coefficient below ~2.5 eV i.e. in the green and red. To circumvent the problem, devices typical employ relatively thick FAPbI3 layers, but this results in increased losses associated with charge recombination.

In this work plasmonic nanoparticles are employed to improve the absorbing performance of FAPbI3 NC films via localized surface plasmon (LSP)-exciton interactions. A core-shell gold-silica (Au-SiO2) nanoparticle (NP) underlayer is employed on top of which a thin FAPbI3 NC film is deposited. By tuning the core size, shell thickness and thickness of the plasmonic underlayer, an enhancement in the NC absorption and photoluminescence intensity within the bilayer structures can be obtained compared to pristine FAPbI3 NC films. Optical spectroscopy supported by numerical simulations show that the optimization of the optical properties is due to a combination of near-field exciton-LSP and far-field light-LSP interactions.

This work was partially financially supported by the Research and Innovation Foundation of Cyprus, under the "NEW STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE UNITS-YOUNG SCIENTISTS" Program.

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