Integrated Capture and Solar-driven Utilization of CO2 from Flue Gas and Air into Solar Fuels
Sayan Kar a, Motiar Rahaman a, Virgil Andrei a, Subhajit Bhattacharjee a, Souvik Roy a, Erwin Reisner a
a University of Cambridge, Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Proceedings of Catalyst Design Strategies for Photo- and Electrochemical Fuel Synthesis (ECAT23)
Keele, United Kingdom, 2023 December 4th - 5th
Organizers: Charles Creissen, Qian Wang and Julien Warnan
Oral, Sayan Kar, presentation 014
Publication date: 10th October 2023

It is becoming likely that a net carbon-zero future will rely on the recycling of atmospheric CO2 to produce sustainable fuels and chemicals. Nevertheless, current processes for CO2 utilization use concentrated CO2 streams and are not integrated with the capture of dilute CO2 sources. As a result, the integration of carbon capture with utilization technologies is paramount toward developing processes for a future net-zero carbon economy. At the same time, recycling of waste plastics is critical to protect our environment from irreversible damages. In this regard, the integration of a carbon capture and utilization (CCU) process with plastic valorization technologies represents a unique opportunity to enable the recycling of two separate waste streams (CO2 and plastic) in a unified process, ideally driven by a renewable energy source.

This talk will discuss our developed integrated CO2 capture and photoelectrochemical (PEC) utilization reactor that captures CO2 from dilute streams and directly converts it into synthesis gas (a precursor for industrial liquid fuels and chemicals syntheses) using sunlight as the sole energy input. The reactor operates by combining CO2-to-fuel reduction at a photocathode with selective oxidation of waste plastic-derived ethylene glycol (EG) to glycolic acid (GA) at the anode, which has applications in the pharmaceutical, food, and textile industries. The reactor captures CO2 in an aqueous amine or glycolic hydroxide solution and the subsequent PEC conversion occurs in a two-compartment, two-electrode setup with a triple cation perovskite-based photocathode. Captured CO2 reduction is enabled by an immobilized molecular Co-phthalocyanine catalyst at the photocathode. A bimetallic Cu26Pd74 alloy anode completes the circuit by catalyzing EG oxidation. Replacing anodic water oxidation with EG oxidation makes the demanding captured CO2 reduction feasible with only sunlight, enabling the system to function even with a single visible-light absorber without any externally applied voltage. The overall process uses flue gas/air as a carbon source, discarded plastic waste as an electron donor, and sunlight as the sole energy input, opening avenues for future carbon-neutral/negative solar fuel and waste upcycling technologies.[1]

This work was supported by the Sustainability and Energy Research Initiative (SAERI) research fellowship of Weizmann Institute of Science (to S.K.), UKRI Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant Ref: EP/X023370/1 to S.K.), the European Commission Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual European Fellowships (GAN 839763 to M.R. and GAN 745604 to S.R.), the Cambridge Trust (Vice-Chancellor’s Award to V.A. and HRH The Prince of Wales Commonwealth Scholarship to S.B.), the Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability and St John’s College (Title A Research Fellowship to V.A.), the UKRI Cambridge Circular Plastics Centre (CirPlas, EP/S025308/1 to E.R.) and the Hermann and Marianne Straniak Stiftung (to E.R.).

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