The new carbon economy: direct and indirect electroconversion of CO2 into organic chemicals
Marc Fontecave a
a College de France, Place Marcelin Berthelot, 1175231 Paris Cedex 05, Paris, France
Proceedings of Catalyst Design Strategies for Photo- and Electrochemical Fuel Synthesis (ECAT23)
Keele, United Kingdom, 2023 December 4th - 5th
Organizers: Charles Creissen, Qian Wang and Julien Warnan
Invited Speaker, Marc Fontecave, presentation 007
Publication date: 10th October 2023

Conversion of carbon dioxide into hydrocarbons (methane, ethylene) and alcohols (ethanol, propanol) using renewable electricity as an energy source is an attractive strategy for storing renewable energies (solar and wind energy) into the form of chemical energy (a fuel) and using carbon dioxide as a raw material for the synthesis of chemical products. However, carbon dioxide activation is a complex process which implies multiple electron and proton transfers, resulting in the need for stable, efficient and selective catalysts in order to make this strategy a practical industrial option. Here we discuss our ongoing research using original Cu-based catalytic materials and addressing several issues associated with on carbon dioxide electrolysis, such as activity, selectivity, carbonate formation and carbon loss. This led us to investigate the effect of molecular modification of catalyst surfaces [1,2,3], optimization of electrolysis under acidic conditions [3,4] as well as carbon monoxide electroreduction into ethylene and alcohols [5,6].

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