The Influence of Charge Exchange between Absorber and Contact in the Frequency Domain Spectra of Perovskite Solar Cells
Sandheep Ravishankar a, Uwe Rau a, Thomas Kirchartz a
a IEK-5 Photovoltaik, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Wilhelm-Johnen-Straße, Jülich, Germany
Proceedings of Device Physics Characterization and Interpretation in Perovskite and Organic Materials (DEPERO)
VALÈNCIA, Spain, 2023 October 3rd - 5th
Organizers: Sandheep Ravishankar, Juan Bisquert and Evelyne Knapp
Invited Speaker, Sandheep Ravishankar, presentation 030
Publication date: 14th September 2023

We develop an electrical model of the perovskite solar cell (PSC) that explicitly accounts for charge exchange between the perovskite layer and the electrodes, via the relatively low-mobility transport layers.[1] Analysis of the model in the frequency domain shows that the coupling of the transport layer resistance with the perovskite capacitance creates an apparent constant lifetime that can be misinterpreted as a non-radiative recombination lifetime due to a density of defects. Comparison of the model’s predictions in the time and frequency domain further allows identifying a hidden time constant in the frequency domain data, that is clearly observed as the rise time constant in the corresponding time domain measurement.[2] This time constant typically corresponds to the speed of charge extraction from the perovskite layer to the electrodes, which is an important factor determining fill factor losses in PSCs.

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