Probing Perovskite Solar Cells: Insights into Surface, Interface, and Bulk Characteristics through X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Chittaranjan Das a
a Institute for Photovoltaics, University of Stuttgart
Proceedings of Device Physics Characterization and Interpretation in Perovskite and Organic Materials (DEPERO)
VALÈNCIA, Spain, 2023 October 3rd - 5th
Organizers: Sandheep Ravishankar, Juan Bisquert and Evelyne Knapp
Invited Speaker, Chittaranjan Das, presentation 025
Publication date: 14th September 2023

Probing Perovskite Solar Cells: Insights into Surface, Interface, and Bulk Characteristics through X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy


Authors: Chittaranjan Das, Mayank Kedia and Michael Saliba

Institute for Photovoltaics,

University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart




Perovskite photovoltaic research has witnessed remarkable advancements in power conversion efficiency, primarily attributable to the outstanding optoelectronic characteristics of the semiconductor absorber layer. Simultaneously, the scientific community has undertaken comprehensive investigations into the fundamental properties that hold a pivotal role in shaping device performance. Among many fundamental properties, the precise positioning of interface band edges between various transport layers and the perovskite absorber layer emerges as a critical determinant, profoundly influencing the flow of photogenerated charges within the layer and thereby exerting a decisive impact on device performance. The positioning of band edges and electronic properties of the charge transport and contact layers are intrinsically governed by their chemical composition and the complex interplay they engage in with adjacent layers. This complex interplay, driven by the chemical nature of the materials involved, plays a decisive role in optimizing charge transport, minimizing recombination losses, and maximizing overall device efficiency.

The correlation between the chemical composition and its impact on the electronic properties of the semiconducting layer has been extensively investigated through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies [1]. In the context of perovskite solar cells, these XPS studies hold significant importance as they provide critical insights into the interfacial chemical and electronic properties [2,3].

In this presentation, we will delve into various facets of XPS studies in perovskite solar cells, encompassing examinations from the surface to the bulk properties and spanning across the critical interfaces within the device structure. We will showcase and discuss the principal findings derived from our XPS investigations on perovskite films and solar cell devices. These findings will encompass the electronic nature of the perovskite absorber film and its interactions at the interfaces with both electron and hole-transporting layers[4-6]. Through these discussions, we aim to shed light on the pivotal role that XPS studies play in advancing our comprehension of perovskite solar cell technology, ultimately driving innovation in renewable energy research.

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