Proceedings of International Conference Asia-Pacific Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics 2018 (AP-HOPV18)
Publication date: 27th October 2017
Highly stable low temperature processed planar lead halide perovskite (MAPbI3-xClx) solar cells with NiOx interfaces have been developed.[1] We demonstrated high thermal stability of the MAPbI3 perovskite devices with the NiOx Hole Transport Layers (HTLs) and glass encapsulations, showing no performance degradation at 85℃ over 1000 hours in dark. The device stability enhanced significantly comparing to the devices with other HTLs such as PEDOT:PSS and PTAA with the same film deposition procedure for the perovskite layer using Cl-mediated interdiffusion method[2] and MACl treatment method.[3] We clearly demonstrated that the illumination induced degradation depends heavily on the nature of HTLs in the inverted structure perovskite solar cells. The sputtered NiOx HTL can be a good candidate to solve stability problems in the lead halide perovskite solar cells.