Proceedings of International Conference Asia-Pacific Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics 2018 (AP-HOPV18)
Publication date: 27th October 2017
Tremendous research efforts have been focused on perovskite solar cells over the last few years that have resulted in a rapid evolution of certified power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) up to 22.7%. Recent studies have suggested that a key for further improvement of PCE is to improve microscopic inhomogeneity in photovoltaic performance of perovskite solar cells. Such microscopic inhomogeneity in PCE has been attributed to i) prevailing defects in polycrystalline perovskite films that induce non-radiative charge recombination losses and ii) inhomogeneous interfacial contact with selective charge transporting layers that results in poor charge collection. Therefore, methods for reducing defects and improving interfaces are essential for further enhancement of PCE.
In this presentation, I will report our recent achievements on methods for controlling crystal growth and passivation of defects. Crystallization kinetics of the perovskite layer was controlled by engineering of intermediate phases, which resulted in significant enhancement in crystallinity with reduced defects. The inevitable defects at grain boundaries and interfaces were effectively passivated by a self-assembly monolayer or additives. Significant enhancement in photoluminescence lifetime and charge extraction evidenced reduced defects at the perovskite layer and interfaces. Owed to the reduced defects and improved interfaces, a PCE exceeding 20% (steady-state PCE >19%) was achieved for a planar heterojunction perovskite solar cell.
In addition, I will also report our progresses on perovskite tandem solar cells. A high performance perovskite tandem solar cell was achieved by engineering of the tunneling junction, where a certified power conversion efficiency over 20% was demonstrated.