Publication date: 8th January 2019
In recent years several new classes of conjugated polymer and small molecule organic semiconductors have shown promise as materials for organic field-effect transistors. Many of these recently discovered high mobility conjugated polymers, in particular donor-acceptor copolymers, are characterised by a puzzling lack of pronounced crystalline order, while the best molecular semiconductors are highly crystalline but exhibit strong electron-phonon coupling. In this presentation I will present our current understanding of the charge transport and spin physics of these materials and of the reasons why these van-der-Waals bonded materials can exhibit such high carrier mobilities. We are also interested in investigating the thermoelectric properties of these materials and understanding of the physics that governs their Seebeck coefficients, as well as electrical and thermal conductivities. Finally, I will also give an introduction to some of the status of applications of organic FETs in large-area flexible sensors and active-matrix addressing of flexible liquid crystal and OLED displays.