Proceedings of Perovskite Thin Film Photovoltaics (ABXPV17)
Publication date: 18th December 2016
In this talk we will discuss about the optical properties of ABX3 perovskites and their potential integration as light harvesters in tandem solar cells. We will present how our optical model can be employed in order to extract which are the best configurations for both perovskite-silicon and perovskite-perovskite tandem devices. We make use of semi-analytical models based on the transfer matrix to describe light distribution within the device. This allows us to analyse the effect of different electron and hole selective materials in the performance of the cell due to the parasitic absorption of light that they introduce in the system. In addition, these tandem solar cells are complex multilayered stacks in which unwanted reflections appear and can reduce their final efficiency. In this regard, we will present a roadmap to optimise the absorption of light in the active layers depending on the incident angle of the light beam. All our calculations take into account the AM 1.5 solar spectrum and the Shockley-Queisser theory to provide the audience with realistic values.